Bankruptcy and the End of Lambda

The Lambda Network's educational initiatives and sustained support from corporate leadership extended well into the first half of the 2000s. Kodak, reflecting its commitment to inclusivity, updated its human resources policy to safeguard gender identity and encompass coverage for procedures, services, and supplies related to sex transformation. In 2002, Bob Berman, then Chief of Kodak HR, took the advocacy a step further by championing ENDA in Congress. By 2004, marking the Lambda Network's 10th anniversary, the influential Elizabeth Birch returned to Kodak during that year's Education Event. Her presence was a celebratory acknowledgment of Lambda and Kodak as leaders in the national struggle for inclusion, encouraging them to recognize their impactful roles.

Elizabeth Birch at the 2004 (10th) Education Event with Management

The symbiotic relationship between Kodak's financial stability and Lambda's success became apparent during Kodak's transition to digital-imaging solutions. The turning point occurred on January 19th, 2012, when Kodak filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. By that time, the employee networks were already diminishing. Some members departed upon retirement, while others chose to disengage from the support networks. The aftermath of layoffs and company reorganization prompted individuals to prioritize securing their careers, further deterring participation in the networks. These shifts led to a decline in Lambda Network activity following Kodak's bankruptcy declaration, ultimately culminating in its cessation in 2017.