The First Lambda Reunion

On May 20, 2023, excitement and anticipation filled the air as members of the Lambda Network at Kodak prepared to gather for their first reunion in decades. The Lambda Network, an LGBTQ workplace group that had played a pivotal role in fostering inclusion and equality at the Eastman Kodak Corporation during the 1990s, was about to rekindle its powerful legacy. The Lambda Network's first reunion was a testament to the power of community, resilience, and progress.

During the special event held at the Rochester Institute of Technology, attendees from all over the country eagerly shared stories and memories of their time at Kodak, reflecting on how far they had come since the network's humble beginnings as an informal support group. With the world rapidly changing, the significance of the Lambda Network's mission felt more poignant than ever before.

The political context of 2023 added an even greater sense of urgency to the gathering. Among other states, Florida faced a divisive legislative battle concerning LGBTQ rights, including proposed bills that threatened to undermine the hard-won progress achieved over the years, igniting a renewed determination among Lambda Network members to stand up for their community's rights and push for greater workplace protections nationwide.

As the Lambda Network's first reunion finally commenced, a palpable sense of unity and purpose-filled the room. Beyond the nostalgia and camaraderie, attendees were keenly aware of their potential to effect change once again. They recognized that the fight for LGBTQ rights was far from over and that they had a unique opportunity to leverage their collective power and experiences to make a difference.

Throughout the day, presentations, discussions, and oral history interviews covered a wide range of topics, including the historical impact of the Lambda Network, the ongoing struggles for workplace equality, and the urgent need to combat discriminatory legislation in states like Florida. The Lambda members left the reunion reinvigorated and inspired, committed to carrying the torch of their advocacy into the future.